Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review

The purpose of this activity is to learn how to provide meaningful feedback to others. In doing so, I will also gain a better understanding of the course content as well. 

RISE Peer Feedback:
Cathleen Nance

Cathleen, first off I would just like to say well done on your mock interview video! I always love critiquing your work because you produce great content and really just go above and beyond on each assignment, so well done there. In the beginning, I love how you address yourself as the interviewer. You have a different outfit so that viewers can tell that you are a different person. My favorite part of the introduction is when you greet the interviewee (yourself) very professionally. This is something I didn't do in mine and it made me want to revisit my mock interview to make the introduction more professional. I also liked how you tied your personal views into each question. You obviously know facts about the company but you also stated that this is why you're interested in the job and you clearly show that you are very excited for this interview. This was something I never have tied together when doing real life interviews (stating that your skills tie into the position) and I myself have included this in my mock interview but I will most definitely be trying this out in the near future. All throughout your mock interview you state your answers very confidently which is a huge bonus when in an in person interview. There were some areas throughout your video when you cut yourself off too short when answering the question and you switched back to the interviewer, this is something that could be easily fixed. You could either cut the clip differently or make your transition smaller by selecting it and dragging it to the left. I've had these issues in the past but they are an easy fix. I think this interview would benefit greatly by including more personal experiences in with your answers. In one question you answered that you are very dedicated to your projects, maybe explain a short story about an example of this experience. It will make your answers more personal and intriguing. One of my favorite questions that you answered was "how do you think your writing style will benefit the company?" I feel like this question is a chance for you to really explain not only your passion for writing but what you can bring to the table that they don't have already within the company. It's a question that really makes you state your skills, your experience, and software you are skilled in. This question made me want to include one similar to this in my mock interview. Overall, you have excellent eye contact and you talked fluently throughout the mock interview. I have no doubt that you will do great in your next in person interview. Awesome job and good luck!

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