Saturday, February 4, 2017

Week 1 Project: A Tailored Resume

My first results from Jobscan came out super poor at a whopping 35% match rate! You can check this out here. This was because I made no specific updates to my resume in order to relate it to the job position I was theoretically applying for. The second time I scanned it, I added more keywords and phrases that are actually listed in the job position. You can see the updated results here. After looking at the updated results I noticed that this isn't the most reliable resource to use. The website stated that I didn't include the business name along with a lot of specific keywords which I did include in my newly updated resume. In my newly updated resume I included the majority of keywords that were listed in the job description along with the title of the job position and company name. I also included the skills that are needed for the job that I currently have. I think the updated version is much more professional and current to this position and therefore I feel like I have a good chance of getting an interview. Overall this was a wonderful resource to use but like I stated above, it did not work correctly in my case. I think it might be because it didn't pick up my words that are in a white colored font, if so, this should be something that they fix. I would probably never use this tool because of this issue. I chose this specific layout because it is clean, simple, organized, and easy to read. After reviewing Steve Harris's Designing a Resume tutorial I knew that I wanted to include two columns. I find this very professional looking yet also simple. I also chose to include two different colors because I wanted it to stand out while also making it easier to read and look at. I think the overall layout really connects with the position I'm theoretically applying for because it showcases my skills in Adobe InDesign CC and also creativity. I can better tailor my resume by constantly updating it to meet the job requirements of the current position I will be applying for.

Website link to the job position here.

(These are screenshots because blogger does not support PDF files that are loaded straight from your computers files)



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